
How To Withdraw Money From Cda Account

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Baby Bonus

The Baby Bonus Scheme is designed to help families defray the costs of raising a child. It comprises a cash gift and a Child Development Account (CDA), a special co-savings scheme for children.

Baby Bonus Cash Gift

Singapore Citizen children are eligible for the Baby Bonus Cash Gift in the following amounts:

Baby Bonus Cash Gift

Birth Order
Baby Bonus Cash Gift*
1st and 2nd $8,000
3rd and subsequent $10,000

*Rates applicable to a child born from Jan 2015.

Payment schedule

The Baby Bonus Cash Gift is given out in 5 instalments over 18 months following the child's birth to provide parents with sustained support.

Cash Gift and disbursement schedule

Amount of Cash Gift disbursed
1st and 2nd Birth Orders
3rd and Subsequent Birth Orders
Within 7 to 10 days after joining the scheme $3,000 $4,000
When the child turns 6 months old $1,500 $2,000
When the child turns 12 months old $1,500 $2,000
When the child turns 15 months old
$1,000 $1,000
When the child turns 18months old
$1,000 $1,000
Total $8,000 $10,000

Eligibility Criteria

Your child is eligible for the Baby Bonus Cash Gift if:

  1. Your child is a Singapore Citizen; and
  2. The child's parents are lawfully married.

For information on the Baby Bonus Cash Gift, please refer to the Baby Bonus Online at

For information on the Cash Gift quantum, eligibility, and disbursement schedule for your child, please access the "Eligibility Check" tool at Baby Bonus Online (BBO).

Baby Bonus Child Development Account (CDA)The Baby Bonus Child Development Account (CDA) is a special savings account for every Singaporean child. They will receive an initial deposit of $3,000 of CDA First Step from the Government. The Government will match every subsequent dollar saved into the CDA by parents, up to a maximum amount that increases with the child's birth order.

CDA savings can be used for the following:

  • Fees for child care centres, kindergartens, special education schools and early intervention programmes
  • Medical expenses at healthcare institutions such as hospitals and GP clinics
  • Premiums for MediShield Life or Medisave-approved private integrated plans
  • Assistive technology devices
  • Eye-related products and services at optical shops
  • Approved healthcare items at pharmacies

The full list of Approved Institutions may be found at

[NEW] More support for couples considering having a second child

The Government will double the maximum amount it will match dollar-for-dollar in the CDA of asecond child, from $3,000 to $6,000. All Singaporean children who are the second child, and whose date of birth or Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD), is on or after 1 January 2021, will be eligible. Government will co-match parents' savings up to the increased cap from 1 April 2021. Parents whose children qualify and had saved into their child's CDA before 1 April 2021, will also receive the increased co-matching.

Child Development Account (CDA) First Step and Government co-matching

Every Singaporean child will receive $3,000 called the CDA First Step. This is automatically deposited by the Government when the CDA is opened for the child at any of the following banks – DBS/POSB, OCBC or UOB. After this, parents who continue to save into the CDA will enjoy dollar-for-dollar matching of their savings from the Government, up to the maximum Government co-matching amount.

Parents can save into and use the CDA at any time before 31 December of the year their child turns 12 years old. After the child turns 12, the remaining savings in the CDA will be transferred to the child's Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)*. Parents who have not saved up to the CDA Government co-matching cap can continue to contribute to the PSEA and receive the Government's matching grant until the cap is reached, or when the child turns 18 years old, whichever is earlier.

*Subject to a cap, comprising the sum of the applicable CDA Government co-matching cap (based on the child's birth order) , the equivalent deposits made by parents, any ad-hoc top-ups to CDA made by the Government , and accrued interests.

CDA First Step and Government contribution caps

CDA Table

For information on CDA benefits for your child, please access the "Eligibility Check" tool at Baby Bonus Online (BBO).

  • You can join the Baby Bonus Scheme by submitting an application using the LifeSG mobile application, or by visiting Baby Bonus Online (

    To join the Baby Bonus Scheme, please start by checking your child's eligibility on Baby Bonus Online ( If your child qualifies, you may proceed to apply by following these steps:

    Step 1: Click on "Join" on Baby Bonus Online

    Step 2:  Log in using your SingPass.

    Step 3: Complete the relevant sections in the application form.

    You can access a video on the application process.

  • If either you or your spouse is a Singapore Citizen at the time of your child's birth, your child will need to obtain Singapore Citizenship by the age of 12 years to be eligible for the full amount of Baby Bonus benefits. You will receive the Baby Bonus benefits after joining the Baby Bonus Scheme.

    If you and your spouse are not Singapore Citizens at the time of your child's birth, your child must obtain Singapore Citizenship before he/she reaches 24 months of age in order to be eligible for the Cash Gift. The Baby Bonus benefits will be pro-rated according to the date your child obtains Singapore Citizenship.

  • You can check your child's eligibility using the "Eligibility Check" tool at Baby Bonus Online (BBO).

    If either you or your spouse is a Singapore citizen at the time of the child's birth, he/she will be eligible the full Baby Bonus benefits. He/she must obtain Singapore citizenship and join the scheme before he/she reaches 12 years of age.

    If you and your spouse are not Singapore citizens at the time of the child's birth, he/she will be eligible for pro-rated benefits.

    He/she must obtain citizenship before 24 months of age in order to be eligible for the Cash Gift, and before 12 years of age in order to be eligible for the CDA. The amount of pro-ration will depend on the date that the child becomes a Singapore citizen.

  • (i) No. Parents are required to inform MSF when there is a change in the (a) custody, care and control, or (b) care and control of the child. The parent granted the (a) custody, care and control, or (b) care and control of the child will be the CDA trustee and the recipient of any remaining Cash Gift.

    (ii) No. If there are any Cash Gift outstanding, the remaining balance will be given to the bank account holder in one lump sum. The child's CDA, if any, will also be closed; The remaining CDA balances will be transferred to the Public Trustee for disbursement according to the Interstate Succession Act or Syariah Law.

  • The birth order is pegged to the number of children born alive to the mother or adopted by the mother.

    For a child who is born (or adopted, if applicable) on or after 13 July 2015, and the parents had a stillbirth earlier, the stillborn will be counted in the birth order.

    Step children, non-citizen children and children given up for adoption are not counted in the birth order.

  • Twins and triplets (and other multiple births) are counted as separate births. For e.g. the first twin is considered as the first child and the second twin as the second child.

  • The deceased child is still counted in the birth order when there are subsequent children born to the couple.

  • Yes, adopted children are eligible if they meet the eligibility conditions. Please use the "Eligibility Check" tool at Baby Bonus Online (BBO) to check your adopted child's eligibility. Click here to access BBO.

  • No, there is no such requirement. It is up to you to make savings based on your needs. For instance, if you save $10, Government will top-up an additional $10. The savings may be used for your child's educational and healthcare expenses at Approved Institutions until the end of the year that your child turns 12 years old.

    Do note, however, that interest earned is not considered as a contribution and will not be matched. Savings above the specified Government contribution cap (i.e. $6,000 each for the 1st and 2nd child, $12,000 each for the 3rd and 4th, and $18,000 each for the 5th and subsequent child) will also not be matched. You may save into your child's CDA up to 31 Dec of the year he/she turns 12.

  • The money may be used on all your children, even those without a CDA, to pay for your child's expenses at Approved Institutions (AIs) that have registered with MSF under the Baby Bonus Scheme. These include:

      • Childcare centres licensed by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA)
      • Kindergartens registered with ECDA or Council for Private Education (CPE) and special education schools registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE) respectively
      • Early intervention programmes registered with the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF)
      • Hospitals, clinics and other healthcare institutions licensed by the Ministry of Health (MOH)
      • Pharmacies registered with the Health Sciences Authority (HSA)
      • Optical shops registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
      • Assistive technology device providers registered with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), MOH or ACRA.

    The full list of Approved Institutions can be found here:

    Please note that the funds cannot be withdrawn in cash. Withdrawals from the CDA can only be made via interbank GIRO or NETS at Approved Institutions (AIs) only:

    1. Payment via interbank GIRO: For payments via interbank GIRO, please enquire with your AI. You will need to fill up an application form to use interbank GIRO for the CDA and submit it to your AI.
    2. Payment via NETS: The bank you opened the CDA with will issue you a Baby Bonus NETS Card. While you can use this card to make NETS payments at AIs from your child's CDA, it cannot be used to make payments at other places, or to withdraw cash at ATMs.
  • The CDA will be closed, and any unused CDA funds will be transferred to the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA), up to a cap. CDA trustees will be notified if there is excess CDA balance above this cap to be refunded. For more information on the PSEA, please refer to:

    For more information on the Baby Bonus Scheme, please visit:

  • All Singapore Citizen children who are the second child, and whose date of birth or Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) is on or after 1 January 2021, will be eligible to receive the higher maximum amount of dollar-for-dollar matching, from 1 April 2021. Parents will need to enrol into the Baby Bonus Scheme, open a CDA for their child, and contribute savings into it in order to receive the dollar-for-dollar matching by Government. The Government co-matching will be deposited within two weeks (excluding public holidays) after parents make a deposit into the CDA.

    Parents whose children qualify, and had saved into their child's CDA before 1 April 2021, will also receive the increased dollar-for-dollar co-matching of up to $6,000. Parents can enrol into the Baby Bonus Scheme online via or the LifeSG mobile application. Members of the public who require help opening a CDA account can visit MSF's Baby Bonus website (, or call the Baby Bonus hotline at 1800 253 7707 for assistance.

  • Yes, as long as the adopted child is a Singapore Citizen child whose date of birth or Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) is on or after 1 January 2021, and is in the second birth order.

    The birth order is pegged to the number of Singapore Citizen children born to or adopted by the mother. Step-children, non-citizen children, and children given up for adoption are not counted in the birth order.

  • If either you or your spouse is a Singapore Citizen at the time of your child's birth/ adoption, your child will receive the full amount of Baby Bonus benefits, including this enhancement.

    If you and your spouse are not Singapore Citizens at the time of your child's birth/ adoption, the Baby Bonus benefits, including this enhancement, will be pro-rated according to the date on which your child obtains Singapore Citizenship.

  • If the EDD of your second child is on or after 1 January 2021, he/she will be eligible for the CDA enhancement even if he/ she was born earlier.

    Please submit a scanned copy of doctor's certification on your child's EDD via for review. The doctor's certification must include the following details:

    • EDD;
    • Mother's name and identification no.;
    • Name of clinic; and
    • Doctor's signature

    MSF will update you on the outcome within 2 weeks of receiving the completed submission.

For more information on the Baby Bonus Scheme, please visit:

Last Updated : 5 Mar 2021

How To Withdraw Money From Cda Account


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