
Salen And Zimmerman 2004 Rules Of Play Game Design Fundamentals

Game Design, Creativity and e-Learning: The Challenges of Beginner Level Immersive Language Learning Games

Conference paper

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Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12790)


Games have been used for a variety of educational purposes. The immersive nature of games, however, becomes a challenge when the goal is to promote language learning for beginners. In this sense, this research investigates the key strategies for using games in the context of a foreign language learning course for beginners. Specifically, this study is being carried out in partnership with the Brazil-Finland Cultural Center (CCBF) and it aims to improve student engagement in learning Portuguese as foreign language in a distance learning modality. The research was organized in two stages: A diagnostic, that aims to understand the experience and the needs with the current edition of the course; and an interventionist, that seeks the student engagement and learning by the introduction of digital mini games as complementary teaching material. Therefore, the challenges identified in the first stage and some possible ways to address them with the second were presented as results. The next steps involve an evaluation of the first generation of games, which must follow iterative cycles until reaching the idealized solution. Although it was not feasible to implement all the raised attributes in these first versions, we understand that those characteristics are central to expanding the agency of teachers and students in the learning process and should guide the evolution of this platform.


Game design e-learning Learning games Language acquisition


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© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Authors and Affiliations

  1. 1. University of Brasília Brasília Brazil
  2. 2. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba Paraíba Brazil

Salen And Zimmerman 2004 Rules Of Play Game Design Fundamentals


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